

What is recycled fabric made from? Can be polyester/PET, cotton, nylon…

Have you heard of recycled fabric? Do you know the use of recycled fabrics is increasing in different areas across the world, including fashion industry, interior design industry, car industry, medical fields, etc.? Sportingtex® has profound experience manufacturing recycled textiles and we keep improving fabric quality to offer the clients diverse designs of recycled fabrics. We’d like to

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What is Silver Ion Antimicrobial Fabric? Why Do You Need It When The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Is Raging?

Antimicrobial fabric masks, clothes, and gloves have become necessities, since the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, people have been seeking protection against microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. There are many different methods of antimicrobial treatments that can be infused into the fabrics. So how do you source the best antimicrobial fabrics to manufacture your products?  What is Antimicrobial

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Silver Ion Antimicrobial Fabric

How Does Silver Ion Antimicrobial Fabric work? SPORTINGTEX® Silver Ion Antimicrobial Fabric uses innovative technology and processing that delivers silver-containing polymers into textiles, resulting in protection and prolonging the usage of fabrics. Furthermore, it can be applied and processed with multiple textiles categories (polyester, nylon, cotton, etc.) that will provide a safe and smart fabric to

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Dairy Cattle in SPORTINGTEX® Cooling Fabric Results in Amazing Experiment

SPORTINGTEX® According to NOAA’s 2020 climate report,  the Earth’s average temperature is about 15C and has been much higher in the past, temperatures are now rising faster than before. We, all living beings are suffering the consequence of the civilization and convenient life we have created.  Now we are all facing the crisis with dramatic

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Taiwan Textiles – Sustainable Innovation (TTF)

Taiwan textile is the symbol of high technology and quality. The industrial clusters have contributed successful establishment with interaction relationship between different manufacturers and institutions. Sportingtex is fully supported by flexible industrial chain in spinning, dyeing, printing technology to create functional fabrics for users to accustom dramtic weather and get comfortable while working or exercising. In

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